About Liz

Hi! My name is Liz Stone, and I'm a junior web developer currently based in Boston, MA.
A career in tech might seem an unlikely choice for a girl who grew up in small town Montana, but I was drawn to coding at a young age by a love of gaming, math, and music. I sought out what online opportunities I could while I was in high school, then continued to code at Cornell University while studying to receive my Bachelor of Arts in Italian Studies.
In early 2022, I enrolled in CareerFoundry's Full-Stack Web Development program. The first app I built was this very website! Built using only vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it represents the solid foundation of my skills. I have since developed apps using a wide array of technologies, frameworks, and methods, namely: React and Bootstrap; PostgreSQL and NoSQL databases built from scratch; automated testing approaches using Jest and Cucumber; a React Native mobile chat app; and all projects developed with git version control, consitent documentation, and comprehensive testing.
I am currently looking to utilize and extend my skills at a full-time remote position as a frontend developer. If you're interested to know more about my skills and ability to create seamless, intuitive, and beautiful websites, please get in touch at lizzystone13@gmail.com.