Portfolio Website

This very website was the first I ever built!

Creating a simple multi-page portfolio website was the first project assigned in my Intro to Web Development course at CareerFoundry in order to familiarize myself with the basic building blocks of web development: HTML and CSS.

Near the end of the CareerFoundry Full-Stack Web Development course, I revisited and revised my portfolio site to better represent the progress I had made. It is still built entirely using vanilla HTML and CSS, presenting an opportunity to show off my skills in CSS when dealing with more complex web designs.

Special care was taken to ensure the responsiveness of this site's homepage, which I encourage you to test for yourself!

A vital part of this re-vamp was the beautiful design provided by Anna Ferrari. This also allowed an opportunity to collaborate with a designer in turning mock-ups and moodboards into a fully interactive and responsive application.

The design incorporates a photo I took of the Beartooth Mountain Range, a motif that references both my Montana roots and my love of black and white film photography.

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